In today’s world, there are many opportunities for both organizations and individuals to accomplish extraordinary goals. However, the demands of our jobs, coupled with a great deal of information from so many sources (e.g. texts, emails, reports, tweets, blogs, websites, etc.) can be overwhelming, exhausting and distracting.
The sheer volume of distractions threatens our ability to think clearly and make good decisions. If we react to these stimuli without careful discernment, we will sink into a sea of irrelevancy and fail to accomplish the things that matter most in our professional and personal lives.
In a survey of more than 300,000 respondents, they spent only 60% of their time on important tasks and the remaining 40% was wasted on the unimportant and irrelevant tasks. This means organizations are bearing the labour cost of almost half a day of full-time employees’ with low productivity.
Our Solution
FranklinCovey’s The 5 Choices® to Extraordinary Productivity solution inspires participants to apply a process that will dramatically increase their ability to achieve life’s most important outcomes. Supported by science and years of experience, this solution not only produces a measurable increase in productivity, but also provides a renewed sense of engagement and accomplishment.
Who should attend?
You cannot afford to miss this program if you are:
Individuals seeking a unique solution to better manage your decisions, attention, and energy so that you can consistently make choices which create extraordinary values for yourself and your organization.
Leaders seeking a powerful solution to increase productivity of their workforce for better organization performance.

ACT ON THE IMPORTANTDon't react to urgent
In today’s world, people are drowning in email, overwhelmed with demands, and trying to do more with less. 5 Choices participants filter the vitally important priorities from distractions so they can focus on making a real contribution.
GO FOR EXTRAORDINARY Don’t settle for ordinary
Everyone wants to make a difference, but competing priorities often prevent them from achieving extraordinary results. 5 Choices participants redefine their roles in terms of extraordinary results to achieve high-priority goals.
SCHEDULE THE BIG ROCKS Don’t sort gravel
The crushing increase in workday pressures can make people feel helpless and out of control. 5 Choices participants regain control of their work and lives through a cadence of planning and execution that produces extraordinary outcomes.
RULE YOUR TECHNOLOGY Don’t let it rule you
An electronic avalanche of email, texts, and social-media alerts seriously threaten productivity as never before. 5 Choices participants leverage their technology and fend off distractions by optimizing platforms like Microsoft® Outlook® to boost productivity
FUEL YOUR FIRE Don’t burn out
Today’s exhausting, high-pressure work environment burns people out at an alarming rate. Applying the 5 Energy Drivers™, participants benefit from the latest in brain science to consistently recharge their mental and physical energy
Prepare & Assessment
Learn & Practice
Training session: This session engages participants in class or through LiveLearning in creating and acting on making The 5 Choices that will drive measurable productivity improvements with:
- Participant Guide
- Technical Guide
- Expansion Bonus Modules (video-based mini-courses)
- Wildly Important Goals
- Office Nirvana
- Brain-Care Basics
1. 5 WEEK QUICKSTART: Using either a paper guide or, participants
- Hold Q2 conversations.
- Develop Role Statements.
- Implement Weekly and Daily Q2 Planning.
- Act on their Energy Plan.
- Participate in the Bonus Modules.
2. 5 CHOICES REBENCHMARK: Re-benchmarking quantifies the results of efforts to improve productivity and drives commitment to continuous improvement based on feedback.
3. REPORT SESSION: Participants share their success stories in either a live session or via the web and give concrete examples of improved productivity, share best practices, and de-brief Benchmark results.