Challenge & Solution
Today’s knowledge workers have quietly slipped into the role of the unofficial project manager. Stakeholders, scope creep, no formal training, and a lack of process all combine to raise the probability of project failure costing organizations time, money, and employee morale.
FranklinCovey's Project Management Essentials for the Unofficial Project Manager will help participants consistently complete projects successfully by teaching them to implement a disciplined process to execute projects and to master informal authority.
The unique points
A unique solution focuses on the “unofficial project manager” who need to use the “soft power” rather than the official authority to make impacts and lead team to achieve assigned project’s goals.
The framework is accredited by the Project Management Institute, the global organization that set industry standards for project management.
The deliverables addresses both the technical process and the people skill required to achieve project success.
The integrated benchmark allows participants apprise the current project management skill levels of their team and the re-benchmark enables them to track progress and identify areas where practice and coaching need to be applied.
A well-designed 5-Week Quickstart with implementation tools ensures that the learning is continued and new skillsets are developed.
Who should attend?
- Those whose large percentage of their work is project-based, and mastering project management skills is essential to help them succeed.

Project management benchmark
2-day work session
- Case studies videos which allow participants out of perspectives into how projects can be managed.
- A manual and various other aids designed with several practical examples and exercises:
- Key Stakeholder Interview.
- Risk Management Plan.
- Project Schedule.
- Conversation Planner.
- 5-week quickstart commitments
- Project management benchmark
- Report section
- 5-WEEK QUICKSTART COMMITMENTS: A part of the Action planning on the programme entails the individual to improve behaviors or skills they want to focus.
- PROJECT MANAGEMENT BENCHMARK: Help participants to identify progress and additional areas of opportunity.
- REPORT SECTION: A group from the work session getting together for a couple of hours in week 6 to report out how they are doing or it can be teams of two, reporting to and holding each other accountable.